1. Helideck fitness audit as per CAP 437 & Local Country Aviation standards
2. Helideck Deck Surface Friction Test
3. Helideck structural Audit
4. Certification of above points 1 , 2 & 3 for respective helideck with 1 year validity
Helideck Audit compromises of above points mentioned, our SKYBIZ Team of Auditors who are well experience with above services to conduct at helideck and offsite analysis in office for structural Audit to check structural elements and capacity of helideck to declare if client needed that service
Helideck fitness audit compromises of Checklist to check helideck in detail and operational details and record all data and compare with CAP437 standards and local Aviation Standards of that region. And prepare detail report with check list attachment and checking the training of HLA & HLO, Operations manual and Emergency manuals, Security and safety signages & equipment working conditions testing related to helideck operations.
Friction test on helideck surface is carried out with friction test wheel rolling machine at helideck. Testing carried out as per CAP437 OFFSHORE HELIDECK STANDARDS.
We do check of as-built drawing of helideck and check visual inspection and check all connections at helideck, staircase and walkway areas any loose connections we write it in report and give advice to client how to solve it